Laura's Home Evening Chapel Leader - The City Mission of Cleveland, Ohio

Laura’s Home Evening Chapel Leader


LOCATION: Laura’s Home- 18120 Puritas Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135

CHAPEL TIME: 7-8pm  TIME COMMITMENT: 1 hour weekly or bi-weekly (depending on what you can commit to – we’re looking for a consistent presence).


  1. Lead Prayer and Worship time (i.e. worship, Bible study, prayer, testimony, etc.) focused on Evangelism and Discipleship
  2. Understand and cooperate with Laura’s Home programs
  3. Demonstrate a consistent and balanced Christian life
  4. Demonstrate a compassionate but professional relationship with residents
  5. Adhere to The City Mission’s Doctrinal Policy/Common Ground
  6. Attend check-in meetings with Chaplain(s) as they are scheduled (when possible), and report unusual chapel events to chaplain, good or bad
  7. Let Volunteer Coordinator or Staff Chaplain (216-431-3510 x206) know whether you will be providing childcare ministry so they can make Laura’s Home staff aware


  1. Mature Christian with solid biblical knowledge and a good testimony among your church body or fellowship
  2. Must be passionate about ministering to women and children in crisis
  3. Experience with chemically dependent individuals is a plus
  4. Free of an addictive lifestyle
  5. Understanding of the boundaries pertaining to the position
  6. Abides by the TCM’s Statement of Faith at all times
  7. Have the skills necessary to complete the tasks pertaining to the position


  • Profess Jesus as Lord and Savior
  • Believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, & ultimate authoritative Word of God (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21)
  • Pattern life after the example of Jesus and the commands and principles found in the Bible
  • Desire to serve the Lord in the ministry of rescue 


  1. Attend Volunteering 101 Session
  2. Complete Online Application
  3. Sign Volunteer Waiver
  4. Affirm Statement of Faith and Complete Spiritual Journey
  5. Sign Doctrinal Policy
  6. Onsite visit with Chaplain(s)
  7. Background check
  8. Pastoral Reference