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Pathways After School Program Volunteer

PATHWAYS AFTER SCHOOL VOLUNTEER *Involves Direct Resident Contact LOCATION: Laura’s Home- 18120 Puritas Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 AVAILABLE TIMES: Monday-Friday, from 3:00-5:00pm **Summer hours: 8:50-11:30am and 12:50-2:15pm** RESONSIBILIITIES: QUALIFICATIONS: ONBOARDING EXPECTATIONS:

Christian Mentoring Program Volunteer

PATHWAYS CHRISTIAN MENTORING VOLUNTEER *Involves Direct Resident Contact LOCATION: Laura’s Home- 18120 Puritas Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44135 TIME COMMTIMENT: 1-hour per week as determined by Family Ministries Supervisor and mentee/mentor The goal of the Christian Mentoring Program is to provide students with an opportunity to be connected to one caring adult that is able and

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