Pray - The City Mission of Cleveland, Ohio


We Can Do Nothing Apart from God

Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116:2
We have seen firsthand the power of prayer and your prayers are vital in the success of the men, women, and children we serve. We can do nothing apart from God’s great strength and provision, which is why we hope you’ll sign up for our monthly emails sent to a special group of prayer partners with specific and timely prayer requests. You can also pray with us continually for the requests below.

Primary Mission of the Ministry

That the city, staff, volunteers, and financial supporters would work together toward reaching hearts, and changing lives in Cleveland and across Northeast Ohio. Pray that “Providing help and hope for all people through the transforming power of God’s love,” would always be front of mind.
  • Pray for the men as they enter into Employment Search phase of their program. That God would lead and guide them and for them not to lean on their own understanding.
  • Praise God for men that now have stable employment.
  • Pray for God’s leading and wisdom as future collaborations with surrounding agencies will meet more of the men’s individual needs.
  • Praise God for the fruitful and beneficial collaborations that are in place now.
  • Pray that the Lord will bring the right volunteers to come alongside staff to fill urgent needs in the Men’s Program.
  • Praise God for the strong support of our volunteers.  May He continue to provide people who are willing to serve our men
  • Praise God for continuing to inspire donors to provide the necessary needs for this ministry.
  • Thank God for continuing to send women and children to Laura’s Home seeking a better relationship with Him along with safety and security for themselves and their children.
  • Pray for safety, wisdom and perseverance for the Laura’s Home staff.
  • Praise God for the strong support of our volunteers.  May He continue to provide people who are willing to serve our women and children.
  • Pray for inspiration and success our Pathways program for school age kids at Laura’s Home.
  • Pray for strength and wisdom to create positive, intentional experiences for the children we serve.
  • Pray for patience and understanding through changes, programming, and activities.
  • Pray for caring volunteers who want to serve our children at Laura’s Home.
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