If you’re anything like me, when January 1 rolls around I’m full of great intentions and lofty(ish) goals. I’ll spend less time on
Facebook, eat less chocolate, lose 5 pounds, save more money, spend more hours at the gym – the list goes on and on. The reality is I can count the number of my fulfilled New Year’s Resolutions on one hand. More like, one finger. I once read that only under 10% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Well, that’s disappointing.
While most resolutions are all well and good, it so often seems like we do them in order to make ourselves better, or to in some way correct something within ourselves. I wonder if our finishing statistics would look a little better if we chose to make our resolutions count for someone or something other than ourselves and I can’t think of a better way to be selfless than choosing to serve others.
It just so happens that the impact of The City Mission would be hardly evident without the selfless ministry of our volunteers, supporters and prayer warriors. Did you know that The City Mission is composed of an army of 2,000 plus annual volunteers? Our volunteers teach crucial classes, work with security, tutor our kids, provide and serve meals and donate thousands of hours to serving men, women and children who currently experiencing a crisis. It may also surprise you to learn that The City Mission takes no government dollars, meaning that the ministry here relies on generosity of others. That’s pretty amazing.
I’ve had a number of different roles at The City Mission, but what I’ve loved about each one of them is that I get to invite people to take a front row seat and join in what God is doing here – be it through the giving of time, finances or prayers. I’m honored to do that, and I assure you I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was worth it. So now I’m asking – will you make The City Mission a part of your 2014? You can start large, or you can start small. You can serve alone or you can serve with your family! Check out the many ways you can help at The City Mission and if you don’t know where to start, I’d be glad to talk to you.
This brand new year is fresh with potential and possibilities. Let’s hit 2014 off with a bang and make it one that counts.
Manager of Donor Relations
The City Mission