Monique’s Comeback Story

Shelter to Shelter
Monique came to The City Mission with her son after nearly seven years of homelessness. Medical issues forced the single mother to give up her job, and before long, she was moving from shelter to shelter, hotel to hotel.
“My story is like a journey,” Monique shares. “So many strange things happened that kept me from what I needed for myself and my son.
“At one point, we spent two years living in a hotel… I have been to every shelter in Cleveland, but God taught me something different at each one of them.”
Monique ultimately found a place at Laura’s Home, and since she moved in, she’s embraced the programs, Bible studies, and classes that are available to her.
New Perspective, New Plans
“I believe what God is doing right now is like an internship for me,” she says. “Laura’s Home has helped me get back into perspective and realize that I don’t know God’s plans all the time.
“Sometimes as a single parent, I just go, go, go. But here, they help you be still so you can learn how to work through your issues and take it one day at a time.
“They’re not rushing you to get back out there and get it together. They’re taking care of the whole person!”
Monique’s journey is still unfolding, but the encouragement she’s received here is helping her get back on her feet. She graduated from the Laura’s Home program in April, and is looking for work that will allow her to care for others who are going through experiences similar to her’s.
Support through encouragement is vital for our other guests as well. Just knowing that someone cares for and believes in them can give them the strength they need to make a lasting change.
“It was so strategic, how God led me here,” she smiles. “I hope that when I leave here, my son will be able to say, ‘Wow, we went through so much, but look at us now! This is like a journey or a classroom. It’s hands-on, and it’s helping me think outside the box.”